Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Narrow Band

Of course, the obverse of the notion that we humans are not meant to fight one another, nature, or anything else, is the understanding that Mother Nature is not fighting us. In the wake of hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, there are inevitably newspaper headlines and jokes about "Mother Nature's wrath". The idea that we are separate from nature, and that She would turn on us, comes from a grievous misunderstanding of our place in nature. This kind of reaction may be what we humans have gotten into the habit of doing; it is not the Goddess way.

This earth, our home, is a delicate creation, perfect for human life under a narrow set of environmental circumstances. Pushed too far -- abused, if you will -- it will become nearly uninhabitable to humans for generations to come. Earth, the planet, will survive. Ultimately, it will adapt to the changes it must make in order to recover balance, even if many humans do not. It will do whatever it needs to do to return to the narrow band of optimum conditions that allow it to harbor life and express the passion of creation. This love/joy/truth/passion energy is really, really not interested in our strip malls and skyscrapers and satellites and space trash. It is not interested in band width or unemployment figures or who is running for political office. Most of our "progress" was created without consideration for the health of the earth, so earth's efforts to retain balance may well happen without consideration for what we too thoughtlessly created. In a crisis, you just need to get things stabilized.

We have been the silly children, playing with matches, setting the house on fire. Mother Nature's absolute first priority is to save the family by dousing the fire. Once balance has been restored, once the threat is removed, She will lovingly put her arms around us and say, "OK, children, let's look at what happened here, and talk about how to make sure it doesn't happen again." We are Her family, so it will be an embrace, not a fight.