Monday, August 26, 2024

My collage self-portrait

Just a quick Monday report. I'm finishing the process of getting things boxed for storage, and figuring out what will come with me temporarily. I had a short trip out of the city yesterday, which was definitely refreshing and boosted my spirits. Today, however, is extremely heavy and hot, threatening rain. Good for indoor focusing.

Among my things was a taped up poster-sized package that said "Collage". I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was, so I ripped the tape off and, wow. I had forgotten that five years ago or so, I made a really ornate collage self-portrait. I mean, the image doesn't exactly look like me, but she is me, if you know what I mean. Almost regal, a little aloof, but direct and present. On the bottom right side is imagery mostly of England and cathedrals, leading up into the sky. On the bottom left side are images of New York City and the American wilderness -- leading up into the sky. I have put "her" up to be with me as I pack, and I will take her uncovered with me until I find my realm in real life!

If I can ever figure out how to get a photo into this blog, I'll show it to you, but not this week! Too much else to think about. More soon.