Wednesday, August 21, 2024

There's no place like Love

I've never written every day before, but it seems to me that this is such an important transition for me, one we are all in to a greater or lesser extent, that I must be as open as I can. Whether I gain or lose readers, or have none at all, is rather immaterial. In a sense, I am writing my way into my future, and if you can bear it, dear friends, read on!

Yesterday I had a sense that the energies would shift by the end of the day, and they did in a rather unexpected way. Not "solutions" with a big "S", but something to begin to shift what has been blocked in me.

In the mail, I received the gift of a book, one that has a small section about the life of and pioneering legal role played by my Canadian grandmother Winnifred. A friend was with me as I opened the package, and she said, in effect, have you thought of asking your grandmother how to proceed?

So this morning, in my hand-written journal, I started to do that. I wrote three or four pages, for an hour, "channelling" (if you will) the words that came to me from Winnifred. I think it is one of those things that even for me, trying to access the heart of the Divine, or the Goddess, can be daunting. In some of my writing, I must have regularly done it to a greater or lesser extent, but the physical part of being human doesn't always compute! Winnifred, however, is my flesh and blood, my father's mother. A brilliant earthly genius and pioneer in her own right, she has been on the spirit plane since before my birth in 1956. It's like, the perfect person to connect with right now. I think I'll be doing this writing indefinitely, and for the moment I'll leave it at that. But never have I experienced a closer, more immediate circle of wisdom -- Goddess, me, friend, grandmother, and Goddess again -- and encompassing it all, the larger heart of the Divine. This is my "hug", my (Love), and my cheering section, to go back a few posts! My inner circle, at least today. I can't even begin to describe my gratitude. It's overwhelming.

That's all for today, except one more word about "home". I just keep thinking that because of climate chaos, war and other factors, very few people today can return home to where they literally came from. And this will become ever more true. There is an initial sense of desolation at the realization -- the "home" has been torn down, the people are gone, the property has washed away or burned up, or been bombed or is housing a skyscraper. One can certainly no longer be successfully defined by where one is from, or easily return to the actual place as might have been true in earlier generations. So "home" for all of us may have to take on a new, metaphorical meaning. When we are caught between realities, when we are on the border or racing from the fires or swimming for shore, head towards love. Maybe the new phrase will be, "There's no place like love."