Friday, August 9, 2024

The biggest misconception

In the midst of all this intensive inner personal growth and revelation, it hasn't been possible to avoid the human transformation and turmoil manifesting out in the world. At times it has even been grimly amusing.

Yesterday, somewhere in the media I saw or heard another iteration of a phrase that continues to drive me crazy: "the fight against global climate change".

So, I am no doubt repeating myself, but here we go again.

Anything we fight gets bigger. The "problems" we fight will always get worse, not better. The biggest misconception in the world (and perhaps the most tragically ineffective one) is the belief that if you fight something you don't like, and you win, all will be well. There will be a happy ending. I truly believe this isn't ever true! Entering into the fight simply adds more energy to -- of course -- the fight, and gives the so-called "other side" more to push back against.

In terms of climate change, I try to put myself into the shoes of the Goddess/Mother Nature. Is She (in all Her myriad manifestations in and around us, underfoot, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the stars in the sky...) pleased that we finally decided to fight global warming? Is she, like, "Yay, way to go humans! You finally woke up? Rock on! I hope you win!"? Is she (ahem!) cheering us on?

No, I suspect She continues to weep that once again, we are leaving Her out of the equation. Global climate change is happening because, in the face of our thoughtless, loveless misuse, She has to work ever harder to keep this planet viable. At this crucial moment, how our human structures and institutions and plans fare in upcoming years is low on Her list of priorities simply because this planet -- earth -- is too important to Her. Her number one priority is its survival as a home for a variety of present day and future species, including humans. 

So, fighting these climate manifestations, we are once again fighting Her. Now, there's good news in that, to the extent to which we have, unknowingly, given Her influence an opportunity to get bigger, and fast. We cannot ignore Her anymore, can we? 

As ever, it's the third way. It's not about plowing ahead as if the climate weren't changing, and it is not about agreeing that it is changing, and fighting the phenomenon. It's about each individual trying day-by-day to intuit what needs be done to become more aligned with Nature. And it's about acknowledging that Nature needs to do what She needs to do.