Saturday, November 12, 2016

Rummage Sale

Yesterday was hard. I think it was a little like having been bitten by a spider or wasp. It takes a few days for the venom to spread through your system. Friday, despite Thursday's beautiful singing experience, it just felt like every cell and bone and atom of my body had finally succumbed. I collapsed.

So today, I knew I had to try to get up and out, and a church rummage sale organized by an older friend seemed like a good catalyst. I believe in this kind of recycling on principle, but I always forget (how is this possible?) that as someone who owns virtually nothing, table upon table of "stuff" is very hard for me to process. The sale was run mostly by 70-plus-year-old ladies, bless them, but I looked on the whole thing like a visitor from another planet. I am nearly their age, but it's difficult to imagine me in their place. There's a paradigm shifting here, and I don't know how the events of this week fit into it, but it's hard to see me becoming a good "little old lady." Heavens, I haven't done anything else the way I was supposed to! Yet I hope the event was successful for them, patronized by better shoppers than I.

There is a reason for everything, and in the book section of the sale I did find a compendium of the works of Florence Scovel Shinn, my first teacher of metaphysics/law of attraction. My own Shinn books are in storage, but I can tell I need to revisit her wisdom now so I made this one purchase. At a little after eleven, I went outside and walked the church's labyrinth, and held some good family friends in the light as they mourn the loss of their father, an avid sailor. I do hope that some of those valuable navigation skills have rubbed off on all of us.