Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Three Weeks

Is it only three weeks? Really? I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like I have aged about three decades.

I am trying to stay grounded in my values, in the music I love, in my belief that love is the only power there is. But everything feels so surreal, as this siren call of the black hole is trying to pull in everything and everyone in sight, everything with even the slightest energetic match.

Not-Love can handle about anything but genuine love, beauty and goodness. Those things, it cannot register at all. It spits them out. There simply is no energetic overlap. So I guess my goal moving forward will be to stay at as energetically "high" a level as I can. My goal will be to stay solid, and not let pieces start slipping into the insistent current away from love. I hope all my writing and all my doing in the world will come from this grounded place. It will definitely be a day-at-a-time, keep-breathing kind of process, probably for a long time to come.